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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Self Defense Techniques

Most Effective Self Defense Techniques For Women!

Most Effective Self Defense Techniques" are:
  • Instantly effective
  • Quick and decisive
  • Surprisingly simple
Martial arts and self defense are not the same!


Experienced martial artists know hundreds of techniques, however, when under pressure they will instinctively do what works, rather than pick a matching technique from their vast repertoire of self defense moves.

In a real world situation, an attack is over within a few short seconds. These seconds are filled with panic, chaos and confusion, and you won't have time to think at this point. The application of a few simple principles and techniques will allow you to instantly stop any attacker!


You don't need to be Bruce Lee to defend yourself successfully

Bruce Lee is considered by many to be the best martial artist the world has ever seen. However, though flashy self defense moves like flying kicks and acrobatic stunts while taking out 10 opponents simultaneously may look good on screen, the reality of a violent attack is very different.


Despite his amazing martial arts prowess, Bruce Lee always advocated the use of very simple and effective moves to stop an attack on his life or loved ones. THAT is what you need to know - and this is exactly what "Most Effective Self Defense Techniques" will teach you!



Why you don't need to be big and muscle-bound to apply effective self defense techniques

By applying key physiological principles, you will instinctively be able to choose a technique to instantly defeat your attacker, no matter how big he is. An attacker confronting you will be unable to withstand your techniques, and no amount of training can sufficiently prepare him to overcome your defense.


Flashy self defense moves are for the movies. "Most Effective Self Defense Techniques" contains real-life techniques that can be successfully applied by men or women!


Why I have created this self defense guide

I have dedicated my life to the advancement of martial arts and personal safety. I believe it is a social responsibility for everyone to be able to protect themselves and others from violence.


Although I have long planned to make my self defense manual available to others, it wasn't until the advent of the internet that I was finally presented with a real opportunity to reach a large audience truly interested in real-world self defense.


My students have been nagging me for years (special nod to Markus!) to finally write the book on effective self defense. I am excited to be able to share my expertise and give back to the community by providing advice that can dramatically improve the personal safety of you and your loved ones.


Techniques that are immediately effective!

From my years of experience teaching karate, I can confidently say that it takes several years to learn any martial art to a point where you can apply anything you've learnt. Depending on your style and your instructor, chances are that NOTHING you've learned will be of any use to you under the pressure of a violent attack against you or your loved ones.


For real self defense, there is no need to spend years in martial arts schools and pay a fortune for classes and training. What you really need is simple and effective techniques that will always work, regardless of the situation, your opponent and your age, gender, shape or size!


I invite you to benefit from my decades of training, teaching, study and real-life experience, now condensed into the "Most Effective Self Defense Techniques", available for instant download.



How to use your body as your own secret weapon

I have spent years training in a specialized form of martial arts based on the "Soft/Hard and Hard/Soft" fighting principle. With this method, you can use parts of your body to cause your attacker devastating pain - even if they are much bigger than you!

Based on secret techniques that, until now, have been verbally passed from grandmaster to grandmaster, I can show you how to unleash your full potential - without the need to practice complicated moves or strengthen your body for years! All techniques have been perfected and simplified using physiological principles that will power-charge your ability beyond your wildest dreams!



Effective techniques, suitable for men and women of all ages

From my decades of experience running self defense classes, I know that females new to self defense can initially find it difficult to overcome certain psychological barriers in order to use full and determined force on an attacker. However, although gentle by nature during peaceful times, females can become extremely fierce and effective fighters, often more so than males.

If you're a mother, you'll know what we mean. Imagine your children being threatened. Your emotion and rage would fuel your power and determination to rip your attacker to pieces! Your chances of success are even greater if you have discovered how to channel your anger into effective techniques that will instantly disable any assailant.


With the powerful and easy-to-use training methods described in my book, you'll discover insider secrets on how to strike forcefully - with full determination and minimal physical effort!


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